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Mauvais Garçon (en ingles)

Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me I'm the most beautiful
I believe you'll end up
when you say I'm unreal

But there is no price
No I do not see consequences
Each question I answer "Yes!"
Who dictates my sentence

Every morning I wake up
I taste the crazy love
Every night I takes away
As sugar dissolves it
But I'm told ...
"Watch out!"

I do not care
From right to left, I despise
My eyes cut through the air
In these pieces I bathe

This is certainly not my fault
No I can not do anything
If your expectations are so high
I fill in a flash

In the velvet where I drown
In a bath of milk and strawberry
I want longer than you without breathing
I am comfortable
But I'm told ...

My mirror is watching me
Me points to
But I wonder why, why?

I am everywhere at once
A person "draft"
And at the slightest flaw
Ah nan error, I was behind

Some say taste me
They exaggerate
They say that my skin golden
In a vicious bitter taste of sugar

Everywhere I look I see myself
I believe you I want you
Basically, in fact, it's not you
But my reflection in your eyes away
But I'm told ...

Letra de Mauvais Garçon (en ingles) de Naast

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